Friday, December 3, 2010


Welcome to Adventures of Mommy "S"! I am Mommy "S", a first time mommy to a beautiful 7 month old baby girl as well as a 1.5 year old husky/lab mix puppy and an 8 year old black cat. I am also wife to a wonderful, supportive man. I love my life, and I love being a mommy. My friends can't believe I am "domesticated" now, but I am and its wonderful!

This blog will include life as a mommy in general, product reviews, and tons of information about cloth diapering! I will frequently post links to helpful websites and pictures. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Welcome and I look forward to sharing wit you the joys of teething, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, and all else that mommyhood entails!

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